Gleadless, Sheffield
“A lot of things have changed since the pandemic and some people are still in that state of mind of not wanting to go out, not wanting to see friends or anything like that. So they’re still housebound and don’t want to do anything. I think it’s ‘cause they’re scared. Like my other half’s got a chest infection, so if I’d caught Covid and then come home and passed it on to him, they say it’s hospital. So it’s really sort of risky. I know you can still get it despite if you’ve had the jabs. Now I go out more often and I’m trying to look out for volunteer jobs but what it is, is I don’t knowif that person’s got Covid, and that person is not going to admit they’ve got Covid. Then am I gonna be putting myself at risk to transfer it to him? There’s been three or four deaths in one area. All the people that I used to know that have gone, I just wish that I knew them more. If I’d knew them more and knew what they were going through, I know I couldn’t have helped them, but at least I could’ve supported them.”