“At the start of COVID, January 2020. I had to leave my flat. Somebody put cannabis plants in the house I got bullied out of it, and I got in trouble for it. And I’ve just got a place down Hillsborough for September. And things have started picking up but we’re problems with bills and everything. I just can’t cope, I can’t buy food, so I’ve been coming here as much as possible. It’s a godsend really. That’s all it is.
I was struggling for somewhere to live. The council were trying to find me somewhere. I was sleeping rough. I was stopping here there and everywhere. Friend’s houses. It’s just been hard. But things have started picking up. I got this flat through Zoopla. Otherwise I’d probably still be on the streets. So yeah, it’s been hell.
But I’ve managed it. I’ve gotten through it. And it’s coming together but I’m still struggling because of price everything. I’m struggling with bills. I’ve got a bill in my pocket, which have not opened. I’m waiting to see Citizens Advice. I just can’t afford to live.”